Georgia Writers Registry Application


Eligibility Requirements

Applicants to the Georgia Writers Registry (GWR) must be residents of Georgia and must also earn a minimum of 12 publication points based on the following point system:

12 Points

  • Each book of poetry, fiction, non-fiction, or creative non-fiction
  • Each play produced by a professional theatre (equity contract)

6 Points

  • Each chapbook
  • Staged readings of plays by professional theatres or professional playwright’s organizations

3 Points

  • Each work of fiction, non-fiction, or creative non-fiction published in a literary journal, anthology, or edited Web publication
  • Each poem published in a literary journal, anthology, or edited Web publication

Ineligible Publications

  • Publications from vanity presses
  • Self-published work
  • Work from presses that do not offer authors standard book contracts
  • Work published by a journal or anthology for which one makes editorial decisions
  • Translations
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